we put the mong in mongering

How does this thing work?

Step One: Sign up for an account

It's really simple to make an account, we don't ask for anything more than a name and password. Don't use your real name for obvious reasons.

Step Two: Submit challenges every day

Each day, until midnight, you can submit challenges. Ranging from the tame and mundane to the exotic. The more difficult the challenge, the more points you'll get for it.

To stop you from submitting fake reports, you have to upload a piece of evidence (a bar bill, photo, voice clip etc). Make sure to wipe out any info you don't want to submit publicly!

Step Three: Wait for your report to be verified

Your submission will go into a list of unverified challenges. You can check the "Verifications" page to see and verify challenges from other players.

Players verify each other's challenges, so please help out when you can! Keep in mind, colluding with friends to verify fake challenges will result in penalties.

Play fair and keep it fun!

Step Four: At the end of the day verified points are calculated

The system will automatically calculate the points at the end of the day (midnight) and update the leaderboard. At the end of the month, the player will the most accumulated points will be crowned "Mongerer of the Month".